We will open our clinic all days through Silver Week.
Doctor’s schedule

Diseases of Macula

Age related Macular Degeneration

Age related degeneration on macular occurs declining of view ability. There often appear symptoms like distortion, lack of view field or blurred vision.

Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

Disability of retinal pigment epithelium pile up exudate on Macular and occur lowering vision. This disease occurs frequently middle and old aged female. Early on there are often no symptoms. Over time, however, some people experience a gradual worsening of vision that may affect one or both eyes. While it does not result in complete blindness, loss of central vision can make it hard to recognize faces, drive, read, or perform other activities of daily life.Macular degeneration typically occurs in older people. Genetic factors and smoking also play a role. It is due to damage to the macula of the retina. Diagnosis is by a complete eye exam. The severity is divided into early, intermediate, and late types.[1] The late type is additionally divided into “dry” and “wet” forms with the dry form making up 90% of cases.

Epi Retinal Membrane

An epiretinal membrane is a thin sheet of fibrous tissue that develops on the surface of the macula and can cause problems with central vision. Most epiretinal membranes happen because the vitreous (the jelly inside the eye) pulls away from the retina.  This most commonly happens to people over the age of 50.  The membrane may also form following eye surgery or inflammation inside the eye.

Macular Hole

A macular hole is a small break in the macula, located in the center of the eye’s light-sensitive tissue called the retina. Depending upon the degree of attachment or traction between the vitreous and the retina, there may be risk of developing a macular hole in the other eye. Patients who has macular hole often complain lack of center of view field.

Macular Edema

Macular edema occurs when fluid and protein deposits collect on or under the macula of the eye (a yellow central area of the retina) and causes it to thicken and swell (edema). The swelling may distort a person’s central vision, because the macula holds tightly packed cones that provide sharp, clear, central vision to enable a person to see detail, form, and color that is directly in the centre of the field of view.

Reservation by phone is also possible.

Office hours






(no lunchtime.)


Our clinic is closed on 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3.


9th floor of Hulic Shinjuku Building,3-25-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022






Online appointment


Doctor career

Director:Yasuhiro Shinkawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons

Certification of Completion

Course of Ophthalmic PDT Study Group
Number of cataract surgery up to the present:About 4000


2001 Graduate-Medical Department of Kumamoto University
2002 Department of Ophthalmology Kyoto University School of medicine
2002 Shimada Municipal Hospital
2008 Japanese Red Cross Society
2010 Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
2014 Shinjuku-Higashiguchi Eye Clinic


Doctor:Fumiyo Hasegawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophthalmologists Associasion
Japanese Association for Strabismus and Amblyopia(JASA)


1992 Graduate- Medical Department of Teikyo Univercity
2002 The head ophthalmologist at International Catholic Hospital
2020 Shinjuku-Higashiguchi Eye Clinic

Main Thesis

Sequelae of ocular trauma in schools.(Japanese)
A case of periodic upper and lower strabismus with loss of periodicity after cataract surgery(Japanese)
Quantitative analysis of eye movement during a cover test for patients with intermittent exotropia(Japanese)

We have 7 full-time service orthoptist, 2 part-time orthoptists, 1 full-time nurse and 4 part-time nurses in our clinic.
Another several ophthalmologists are working here.